Data Privacy problems in communication

Most communication providers have and utilize huge amounts of collected data. We think this is wrong. Instead, we use the Zero Data Approach.

In the European Union, privacy is recognised as an absolute fundamental right and in some parts of the world privacy has often been regarded as an element of liberty, the right to be free from intrusions by the state.
Our communication system does not only meet the European Union's strict data protection law but overperform it: all the features and functions we have designed with a zero data approach. Hence our name, "Privacy Technology".

Some theory to understand the problem

What does Personally Identifiable Information mean?

Personally identifiable information (PII, mainly a US term) is information that, when used alone or with other relevant data, can identify an individual. PII may contain direct identifiers (e.g., passport information) that can identify a person uniquely, or quasi-identifiers (e.g., race) that can be combined with other quasi-identifiers (e.g., date of birth) to successfully recognize an individual.[1]

What does Personal Data mean?

Personal data (mainly an EU term) encompasses a broader range of contexts than Personally identifiable information. For instance, your IP address, device ID numbers, browser cookies, online aliases, or genetic data. Certain attributes such as religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or medical history may be classified as personal data but not personally identifiable information.[1]

What is Data Security?

Data Security and data privacy are often used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences. Data Security protects data from unauthorised access, modification, or deletion by malicious insiders or external attackers.

Widespread Data Security types are data access management, data encrypted, data backup and intrusion detection.

What is Data Privacy?

Data privacy is an area of data protection that focuses on collecting and using sensitive data, including personal and other confidential data, such as financial and intellectual property data. Most known data privacy regulations are the EU GDPR and the US CCPA.

The most common Data Privacy Regulation violations are collecting Personal Data without proper consent and loosing consumer data via data breach.

Why protecting Data Privacy is important?

1. To meet compliance requirements

Depending on where you trade, local data protection regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, or HIPAA must be followed by your business, otherwise severe penalties are waiting for the company on the horizon.

2. To prevent breaches that hurt businesses

Strict protection of data is a requirement of all data privacy and data protection regulations. Data leakage related to sensitive data can be very detrimental to a business and can cost a lot of money.

3. To prevent breaches that hurt data subjects

15 million Americans fall victim to identity theft each year, a visible portion of which is due to built personal profile and identities sold through the dark web. Beyond the legal consequences, an identity theft can make the victim’s life bitter for many years to come.

4. To maintain and improve brand value

Fortunately, it is increasingly valued by consumers if a business respects and treats customer data properly. Nowadays, this can be an added value to a company’s brand.

Our concerns related to other communication solutions

Classic telecommunication operators

Classic telephone operators are famous for their data-rich operation. An account openings and the publish of a new phone number are subject to the provision of large amounts of personal information, partly for local regulations and partly for marketing and other purposes. The details associated with the form of payment will be recorded and linked to your account. Communications are saved and accessed by the government in accordance with local legal regulations.

All-in-one VoIP service providers

Unlike classic telecom operators, new-wave VoIP solutions are perhaps even more interesting from a Privacy standpoint. Providers typically run targeted, performance-based marketing campaigns instead of running high-budget branding campaigns. The fuel for these campaigns is _data_: the goal is to create the most accurate user targets possible along the system usage and socio-demographic data of existing customers.

In short, these companies collect all existing data about their customers in order to gain new customers based on it.

Tech-giants-owned communication platform

They are concerned about both data security and attitudes towards data. The explicit purpose of these companies (e.g. WhatsApp) is to harvest user data, as their service has a data-based business model.

While these solutions are convenient and can be extremely dangerous to our personal information, they are not considered an alternative to traditional telecommunications operators or companies providing new-wave VoIP services.

For example, the said whatsApp monitors and broadcasts more than 169 data points from us to Facebook to refine our profile, including our payment and consumption habits, the topic of our conversations.

The Signal

Signal’s clean approach to protecting personal information is commendable and sympathetic. Still, there are three cardinal issues with it that do not make it a secure and private alternative communication solution:

1. The system asks for a phone number to register. The problem is that the public telephone number has all the personal information of its service provider

2. The system uses a Peer-To-Peer connection. Regardless of the encryption, the greater the distance the data packets travel, the greater the chance that a malitious third party will intercept the data.

3. Signal is not an alternative to a telephone system.

The solution is the PTechnology Shielded Ecosystem

A full-feature communication solution designed with privacy in mind.

We share the same interest: the less information the system stores about you, the less data we need to protect. This is why we use only and exclusively the data that is essential to provide you the service.

Our approach to privacy

Our NonPry Soft Phone Application in the App store

We share the same interest: the less information the system stores about you, the less data we need to protect, so we only store and use data that is necessary for the service.

For this reason, instead of classic automatically-renewal subscription-based model, we use a top-up account balance system with time-based pre-paid licences. In this way, we do not need to be synchronised with a payment gateway, and store either your financial or your related personal data.

We do not sync any personal data like contact lists or messages, so by using the PTechnology communication services, you comply with all current data protection rules such as GDPR, CCPA, DPA, etc.


No Personal data stored

No name or phone number is needed to register

The system only needs a notification email address as personal-related information to address future system notifications and security messages.

No financial data stored

Account balance system, time-based licences

The user accounts and the payment system are separated without direct synchronisations. Even more, no one needs to log in to top up their or any other's balance.

No server backups

No server syncs or records of your data

To protect your privacy, we have designed the client devices to keep save and not to share contact list, call and activity logs, messages or other data with any other elements in the network.

No communication logs

Whom you talked to is only your business

Call logs are not synchronised, and the servers do not record your calls. So only you and the person you called can know about your conversations.

Do you have any question?
Our customer service team is at your disposal!

United Kingdom

+44 7418 357986


+31 970 1028 0077


+40 336 228 033

Client service line

2345678 - from PTechnology network

Our partners

Complied data protection regulations

HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verication