Become our partner, and help us restore privacy and security in our daily communications!

New level of communication security. This is PTechnology.

Public communication networks are quite vulnerable. Phone carriers and the popular communication platforms constantly track our conversations to make money on our sensitive data, while malicious third parties and hostile governments can record our conversation.
The solution is our publicly available global network, the PTechnology Shielded Ecosystem. No backdoors, no secret admin accesses. No saved and stored communication data. Only the necessary personally identifiable information, a notification email address is saved in the system. Inside the network, your communication is protected from any unauthorised third parties.
If you can identify to our approach, and your business is a professional service provider, let's have a chat.

Get in touch Why PTechnology? Our solution

Do you have any question?
Our customer service team is at your disposal!

United Kingdom

+44 7418 357986


+31 970 1028 0077


+40 336 228 033

Client service line

2345678 - from PTechnology network

Our partners

Complied data protection regulations

HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verication